What to expect?

What to expect?

Thanks to a lot of experience and in-depth knowledge of large software companies such as Microsoft, we can help you with your questions and problems.
Have your own software made? Our programmers make custom software. From software for menu screens to apps for your webshop.
Prepared SRS with all requirements. Regular updates and afterwards you can test whether everything meets your expectations.
“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value”.

~ Albert Einstein ~

software laten schrijven door programmeurs

Have custom software developed?

Have custom software developed?

There are by no means always standard solutions that offer enough for your business processes. Separate software is then required. Have custom software written that matches your business processes and improve efficiency and productivity.

When it comes to software, we don’t shy away from any challenge. We have already written software programs for many customers: fully customized.

Our programmers are ready with their knowledge and experience to develop software in your house style and completely according to your wishes. Your software is written according to the latest developments and technologies. Any programming language is possible: from Python to Javascript. We look for the best combination for your issue. Which processes in your company can be more efficient? Let’s have a conversation to look at the possibilities for your company. When you have a big idea, we can divide it into stages. So we always check when it is a good time to go live.

software laten schrijven door programmeurs
Tell me more

Have your own app developed!

Have your own app developed!

An application creates the possibility to offer an extra service to your customers. They are user-friendly, increase conversion and give a professional appearance.

Are you looking for an IT company to develop your own app? Our team of developers develops custom apps. An app can serve your staff, customers or yourself. It is possible to have an app made that is published in the App Store / Play Store. In most cases, companies have apps made for internal use. These apps are called progressive web apps. They are a cheaper and faster way to get an app to work as a “regular” native app on your devices. Read more about it here.

We have developed an app for our customer Koll that contributes to structure in the company. In the app, staff can keep track of what tasks they are doing. When they make a repair, they can indicate which materials they have used. There is a timer on this and the costs are displayed. This saves Koll a lot of time in administration and it can be measured more clearly which resources have been used.

app laten ontwikkelen scaled
More about apps

Menu screens

Snack bar Noord-Zuid asked for software for the menu screens. Our programmers have written user-friendly software that employees of the snack bar can easily work with. In a simple and trendy design, customers can now choose what they want to eat. By the way, we like to eat fries here …


We have built a custom application for Drukpunt. We have facilitated the process of submitting the print files. Schools that are customers of Drukpunt can easily submit their printed matter in the user-friendly portal. Before the start of the project, a software requirement sheet was drawn up, after which our programmers knew exactly what had to be made.

Sort orders

Printcity saw that a number of work processes could be more efficient. This way, all orders arrived separately in the mailbox. This did not provide an overview. That is why we have built a custom software solution. Our programmers have molded JBC’s incoming orders for personalized printing and embroidery into a simple solution. Now the orders are grouped in batches by different parameters.

Menu screens

Snack bar Noord-Zuid asked for software for the menu screens. Our programmers have written user-friendly software that employees of the snack bar can easily work with. In a simple and trendy design, customers can now choose what they want to eat. By the way, we like to eat fries here …


We have built a custom application for Drukpunt. We have facilitated the process of submitting the print files. Schools that are customers of Drukpunt can easily submit their printed matter in the user-friendly portal. Before the start of the project, a software requirement sheet was drawn up, after which our programmers knew exactly what had to be made.

Sort orders

Printcity saw that a number of work processes could be more efficient. This way, all orders arrived separately in the mailbox. This did not provide an overview. That is why we have built a custom software solution. Our programmers have molded JBC’s incoming orders for personalized printing and embroidery into a simple solution. Now the orders are grouped in batches by different parameters.

Reliable software developers

Reliable software developers

We like clear communication. During our first meeting we listen to your ideas. We brainstorm with you about all the options that suit your project. We ask you many questions to get a good picture. Then we work out everything in a so-called SRS.

Just before your software launches, we will first test it thoroughly. We always do this in the meantime. The people within your company who will use the software will also test it. In this way we may discover things that we did not think about at first. Or maybe pieces that you would like to change. The quality of your software is therefore optimized as much as possible.

Even when your software is live, you can continue to count on us. If you still want to adjust details, that’s no problem. It is also often the case that our customers work in phases. When phase 1 is then live, we will continue with phase 2. This way you can quickly start using your software.


Have your own software developed

Have your own software developed

What can be done more efficiently in your company? Software can serve so many purposes. Precisely because it is tailor-made for your company. From software for menu screens to software on hardware. Everything is possible.

Would you like to have custom software developed? Then do not hesitate to contact us.

Tell us about your idea!

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